Tokenomic & Tokenometric
Current Total Supply 950,000,000 SEC tokens
Last updated
Current Total Supply 950,000,000 SEC tokens
Last updated
Total Supply was 1,000,000,000 when SEC started on 04/03/2023. We started with a structure that will evolve as the business grows and expands into developing companies.
Presale 400,000,000
Liquidity 250,800,000
SEC Team 100,000,000
CEX Exchange 94,200,000
Marketing 65,000,000
Partnership 90,000,000
SEC tax is set up BUY 5% / SELL 5% the amount of tax that must be paid is automatically split into three parts.
2% Tax - Rewards in USDT, each holder will receive part of 2% tax from next investor's transactions. (Tokens included in USDT Rewards (Holders Tokens + SEC Team - CEO Peter Wallet))
1% Tax - Business Expanding, funds of this part of tax will be spend on business grow, machines and stuff for metal industry engineering, marketing, burning, buybacks, helping other businesses and 0.5% of that tax will be spend to buyback tokens and send them to each group of Hunter's, Shiller's and Mod's.
1.5% Tax - Burning pool, 1% of tax money will be burned to reduce the amount of tokens in circulation and the overall market cap of SafeEvolveCrypto, bringing greater chances for investors with their positions.
0.5% Tax - SEC ETF Created to invest in other cryptocurrency-based projects, investment will assist other projects and develop a common link amongst communities. Profits from the investment will be used to burn SEC tokens, reinvest in crypto ETF projects, and develop SafeEvolveCrypto.